Bharatiya institute of schooling education, (BISE) has been established envisioning India.

India has made a progress in terms of increasing primary education, attendance rate, and expanding literacy approximately 3 to 4 times of the population. India has   education as the top notch ; one of the main contribution to the economic raise of India, however, India continues to stern challenges:

  • 25% of its population is to be  illiterate.  
  • only 15% of the students reach high school,
  • 7% endup as  graduates.

  After all, the situation at the senior and higher secondary  level of education is still disheartening. The quality of education delivered is significantly poor as compared with major developing nation.

It is not only the government responsibility  alone to create infrastructure for the growing number of students at secondary and senior secondary level, it can  also be an  a self motivated citizen effort to carry out   a mission to provide relevant continuing education of school stage. Therefore we Bharatiya Institute of Schooling Education (BISE) found it most  important to begin a  school with public private partnership. The organization has been working on some research activities  over the last 3 to 4 years with the aim and objective of enhancing and accelerating the enrollment / retention at the secondary and senior / secondary level.

Bharatiya Institute of schooling education (BISE) was convinced and has been set up as an a autonomous registered    Body under the Indian trust act 1882, with its registered office to begin with the following objectives,

  • To  upfront with academic knowledge for  those belonging to disadvantaged groups (e.g. the scheduled caste, the scheduled tribes, socially and educationally disadvantage classes.
  •  To  provide secondary and senior secondary education for  socially, culturally economically, geographically sections as a society or such other factors as may be specified /notified by the appropriate government and people belonging to worker section who are not able to get basic  education in the normal course at life
  • To provide professional services to the government and other agencies in the field of education in general and school education , particularly  for the development and growth at distance and open school system
  •  To develop   appropriate curriculum for vocational and continuing education
  • Contributing efforts for   preparing  student population  as an asset to this world by creating  value for  them by giving necessary  education.

 Bharatiya institute of schooling education is an Autonomous organization in pursuance of National policy on education 1986 by the M.H.R.D , Govt Of India. Independent Board run & managed Trust, which was previously registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1982 and Indian Registration Act 1908 for promotion of Secondary Education(Matriculation & Intermediate) in open and distance mode for vocational and educational for upliftment of the poor and disadvantaged group such as street children, working children, rural women and physical challenged.

Recognition of Board under Indian Education Act.
The Board is establishing for development education under the guidelines of National Education Policy 1986 and Programmer of action 1992 Govt. of India respectively. it has been constituted to regulate non formal primary, middle, matriculation (lO”‘) Senior Secondary <12“) education and other vocational courses (Under self employment education scheme) in India with the help of educational experts to educate uneducated boys. girls men and women for upliftment oi‘ the literacy in India. So that they can serve society effectively and with dignity Board may impart education with international techniques and with stress on moral, mental, physical and social personality. Like all educational boards/universities ours is also an autonomous body, Each educational organization acts on its own discretionary powers. According to these powers every board/university/state Govt/Central Govt‘ of India has the liberty and right to take its own decision either to allow or refuse any admission/service. But we do our best make success the non formal education programmer. All the education programmer run by the board ls ‘board’s own autonomous education programmer. Legality, validity, utility of the education programmer is strict conformity with the constitution of India and law of the land under Article 19(1)G, 29 & 30.Select Language Hindi Kannada Tamil Telugu Powered by 


We are undergoing the process of registration of the said Board under Indian Trust Act 1882 by name Bharatiya Institute of schooling education (BISE) I under the Indian Trust Act 1882 Act.